The Catalog Quality Report is provided via the Products menu of your account. This report is used to help you better understand the health of your product catalog from a data perspective. Marketplaces have unique data requirements and this report will help you have insight into those values and allow you to easily update the information if available. Addressing these issues to improve the catalog eligibility and increase your sales opportunities is a suggestion, but not a requirement.
Details surrounding each section can be found below. If you have any of the information for your items that are listed in these sections it would be best to add that information to your listings on MoreCommerce. If you do not have some of these data points, then it would be best to address the sections that you can.
Downloading a Report
You can download individual reports for each of the sections that show as needing improvement via the blue Download Report links located within each section.
Making Changes
If your account is integrated through Shopify, Channel Advisor, our API, or SFTP for product update uploads, you will need to make any product changes directly through the integration being used.
*If you are integrated via our Shopify App, Category and publish status should be edited directly within your MoreCommerce account.
If you are not using the integrations above, then you can use the catalog quality reports to add/ change the missing information to the report directly. Then upload it as a csv via our bulk edit page.
*Please note that the catalog quality report does not update in real time. Any changes made through this tool would not be reflected in the Catalog Quality Report until the next day.
Report Descriptions:
GTIN, UPC: GTIN(Global Trade Item Number) or UPC(Universal Product Code) are required by a number of the 3rd party marketplaces within the MoreCommerce network. Although this is not a requirement to publish your item on MoreCommerce, an item that lacks a UPC code will have limited access.
MPN: MPN(Manufacturer Part Number) is used to locate product information by both MoreCommerce and select 3rd party marketplaces. If your product has an MPN, including it is recommended.
3 Images: It is best practice to provide at least 3 images of your products. Certain marketplaces will deny any products that do not contain 3 images. Ample imagery generally leads to a higher conversion rate.
Category: Be sure to have your items in the appropriate categories, and to not use the "other" categories when possible. Most marketplaces will not accept items that are listed in the other categories. Using direct categories ensures that buyers can find your items easily.
Brand: Brand is used to better market your items, and is required by select 3rd party marketplaces within the MoreCommerce network.
Product Names Containing Unusual Characters: Product titles should be greater than 10 characters in length, and should not be in ALL CAPS. They should also not contain any unusual characters like (@%!$?_~{}[]#>|*;/^).
Duplicate Identifiers (GTIN, UPC) among variants - Products can not have duplicate UPCs or GTINs, including variations.
Non-standard Variation - Non standard variations are not accepted on most marketplaces. Were available the standard variations for each product category should be used.