MoreCommerce is committed to working with high quality merchants and maintaining strong, trusted relationships with the 3rd party marketplaces we are integrated with.
As stated in our Merchant Agreement, all merchants are responsible for ensuring the products uploaded to the MoreCommerce platform are authentic and comply with all applicable laws, including those related to copyright and other intellectual property matters.
Given the various requirements different marketplaces employ with respect to the handling of intellectual property complaints, you may occasionally be required to provide the appropriate documentation to show certain products are authentic, authorized to be sold on a given channel or otherwise do not infringeon the intellectual property of the brand owner.
In most cases, one or more of the following will be required:
- Invoices proving the authenticity of the product (pricing can be redacted);
- An authorization letter from the rights owner (forwarded emails are not accepted);
- A court order asserting that the product does not infringe the asserted intellectual property, or that the intellectual property is invalid or unenforceable.
In the event a complainant or 3rd party marketplace rejects the evidence you provide initially, you may be required to provide additional documentation.
Failure to respond to such documentation requests within 2 business days may result in the immediate removal of your products from certain selling channels. Repeated or particularly egregious violations may also lead to further action, up to and including the termination of your account.