To download a detailed report for each pay period:
- Log in to your Merchant Toolkit.
- Go to the Account section.
- Under the Account section, select Payments.
- Use the tabs or the "Previous Period" and "Next Period" links to browse to the specific pay period.
- Click the Download CSV link to download the file for the relevant period.
This will give you a file in CSV (Comma-Separated Value) format, which you can open with any spreadsheet software.
The file will include every order that had any payment and/or fee for a given timeframe. For example the file would include an order that returned in the pay period, even if it was ordered in another, previous period.
(Check the Payment Schedule document for an explanation of how we assign payments and fees to specific pay periods.)
How to read the Payment Report
- Each row in the payment report represents one item from an order. An order containing 2 items will display as 2 distinct rows (see the Order ID listing, below, for more details).
- Product information, like SKU and Item Price, is recorded when the order is placed - subsequent product changes won't affect pre-existing order and payment data.
- All dates and times are in Eastern Standard Time, in MM/DD/YYYY format.
- For each order event (order, return, etc.) we've included 2 dates:
- The date when the event occurred
- The date of the affected payment, which we generally label the "processed date."
- MoreCommerce removes trailing zeroes from the cents on prices, so a $10.00 product would display an Item Price of 10 and a $0.40 fee would display a Total Fee of 0.4.
We've organized the columns in the sequence of their likely occurrence — the initial order, cancellations, shipments, returns, and return cancellations — with details for each step.
Field Names and Explanations
Order ID - For a multi-item order, you'll see a suffix like "-2" at the end of the Order ID to differentiate the items.
Order Source - The Site where the order was placed, e.g. OpenSky or Dot & Bo.
SKU - The product SKU
Order Date - The date and time that the shopper placed the initial order.
Item Price - The Site Price for the item.
Shipping Price - The item's shipping price.
Credits - The dollar amount of any credits that the shopper applied to the order.
Discounts - The dollar amount of any discounts that the shopper applied to the order
Sales Tax - The dollar amount of any sales tax that you charged for the order.
Marketplace Tax Collection - If tax was collected under the Marketplace Facilitator Tax Program
Item Total - The dollar amount paid by the shopper: item price + shipping price + handling price - credits - discounts + sales tax
Fee Date - Date when the fee is included in one of your payments; this will always be the 15th or last day of a month.
Credit Card Fee - The dollar amount charged as a credit card processing fee.
Transaction Fee - The dollar amount charged as a transaction fee; will only appear on orders placed on or after May 1, 2017 (when the fee agreement took effect).
Boost Marketing Fee - The dollar amount charged for Boost fees
Total Fee - The total dollar amount for the credit card fee and transaction fee.
Commission - The commission; will only appear on orders placed before May 1, 2017 (before the fee agreement took effect).
Cancellation Date - Date the order was canceled, whether by the shopper, us, or the merchant.
Cancellation Processed Date - Date when the cancellation refunds are included in one of your payments; this will always be the 15th or last day of a month.
Cancellation Refund - Credit card processing fee - Dollar amount refunded to the credit card processing fee due to the cancellation.
Cancellation refund - Transaction fee - Dollar amount refunded to the transaction fee due to the cancellation.
Shipment scan date - Recorded date of the carrier scan showing the order has been shipped.
Payment Date - Date when the order payment is paid to you; this will always be the 15th or last day of a month.
Payment - The dollar amount paid to you for the order.
Return date - Date when the order return was processed.
Return process date - Date when the return refunds are included in one of your payments; this will always be the 15th or last day of a month.
Return refund - Transaction fee - Dollar amount refunded to the transaction fee due to the refund.
Return deduction - Payment - Dollar amount reduced from the payment due to the refund.
Return cancellation date - Date when the order return cancellation was processed.
Return cancellation process date - Date when the return cancellation fees and payments are included in one of your payments; this will always be the 15th or last day of a month.
Return cancellation - Credit card processing fee - Dollar amount charged as a credit card processing fee due to the return cancellation.
Return cancellation - Transaction fee - Dollar amount charged as a transaction fee due to the return cancellation.
Return cancellation - Payment - Dollar amount paid due to the return cancellation.
Total payment - Total dollar amount you've received for this order for all time. If you received payments and fees across multiple pay periods, they'll all be included in this column.
Payment This Period - Total dollar amount you've received for this order for the specific pay period of this report (meaning the date for which you downloaded the CSV).
Delivery Date - Recorded date of the carrier scan showing the order was delivered.
Delivery Cut-off - Estimated delivery date associated with the Economy shipping service level associated with the point of origin in your account settings.