MoreCommerce provides an SFTP server you can use instead of your Merchant Toolkit to manage your products and orders. To use this feature you’ll need to activate it in your account first.
Activating SFTP
To start, sign in to your MoreCommerce account, click on your merchant account and select Dashboard.
Next, in the Products tab click Import a File.
Click "More Information" next to the SFTP option.
Click "Generate a new password" to activate the feature.
For security reasons, MoreCommerce does not store your SFTP password. MoreCommerce only displays it in your Merchant Toolkit when you request access to this feature, so be sure to write down or copy your password to a document stored locally on your computer. You will not be able to get your password later on. However, you can reset the password at any time.
If you reset your password, be sure all connections using SFTP are updated with the new password.
If SFTP is already active in your account, the SFTP page will show the server path and your username. You'll be able to reset your password if needed.
Note: Your SFTP username and password are different from your store username and password. You cannot choose your SFTP username or password. Our system creates these for you.
SFTP Basics
Your account on MoreCommerce's SFTP server can be accessed at host:, on port: 24022. To access it, you will need to have SFTP client software installed on your computer. FileZilla is one example, but several free and paid clients for Windows, MacOS and Linux can be found on the web.
The main directory, which is Read-Only, contains two directories:
- products
- orders
The "products" directory and its subfolders are used to manage products. The "orders" directory and its subfolders are used to manage orders.
Managing Products
The “products” directory has three subfolders:
1. Imports
The product imports subfolder is "products/imports".
- Upload your product CSV file here.
IMPORTANT: Before your first import, carefully review MoreCommerce's data file specifications. Be sure to download our Starter file if you do not have any products in your merchant account yet. If you do have products in your merchant account, go to the Import/Bulk Edit page and download a full inventory file. Then use that same file format in your SFTP imports.
2. Exports
The product exports subfolder is: "products/exports".
- It contains a full inventory update file that is generated when the SFTP account is activated and upon request later on.
NEW: You can download a full inventory file any time from the Import/Bulk Edit page of your merchant account. MoreCommerce's data file format matches the SFTP data file format.
3. Reports
The reports "products/reports"
- Access your Error Reports here.
NEW: You can review your processing results and error reports from the Import History page of your merchant account.
Managing Orders
The "orders" directory contains two subfolders:
1. Exports
The orders exports directory is "orders/exports".
- Download your pending orders here.
2. Imports
The orders imports directory is "orders/imports".
- Upload your tracking info here.
The "exports" subfolder contains one data file called "pending_orders.csv". New orders are added to the file shortly after they become Pending (i.e., are available to process). Each time you upload a new shipping file, the "pending_orders.csv" is also updated. This means that when pending orders are marked "processed," they are removed from the file.
The "imports" subfolder is where you transfer your shipping file (i.e., a file containing the Order_Number, Tracking_Number and Carrier columns). Once you've uploaded your file, we'll move it to processing, and it will disappear from the folder.
We recommend that you use a simple shipping file format that contains the orders you are processing along with their shipment tracking numbers and carrier names. That is the only information needed to process orders. For your convenience, you may also return back the full "pending_orders.csv" file with the tracking number and carrier added for each Order_Number you're processing.