If you need to contact a shopper, you can do so by viewing the order details. To start, hover over the "Orders" tab in your Merchant Toolkit and click "All."
Next, find the appropriate order by scrolling through the orders, or using the "Search" field and clicking on the desired Order details link.
In the Shipping Details section you will find the "email customer" link.
Please note if that link reads "Contact Merchant Help" you will need to use that link to have our merchant help team contact the buyer.
Notice that (a) the subject line and (b) a standard greeting and sign off are automatically added to your message for you.
Make any changes needed and (a) enter your message.
Next, (b) review the "Reply To" email address where the shopper can send her reply. This is also automatically set for you and corresponds to the email associated with your merchant account. You can change this by going to the “Users” section of your "Account" page.
Click "Send Email" when you're ready.
When should I contact a shopper?
You should contact shoppers if:
- You're shipping multiple products to the same shopper, but one of those items is custom and will take longer to ship than the other item.
- Shipping the order will take longer than expected.
- You run out of stock of the ordered product. In this case you may want to offer the shopper a different item or ask if they would prefer to cancel the order.
- The shopper entered an address that looks incorrect.
- You need more information about custom products to fulfill the order.
And don't forget; you can also email a shopper after an order is complete to thank her for her purchase and encourage her to buy from you again.